Sunday, March 3, 2013

N e w s l e t t e r

Winter | Spring 2013

Camino Real | Building community within community
A Volunteer Story by Kyle Wolff

The new year brought new lessons filled with open hearts, ever-present smiles and a community of warm and vibrant individuals. Matty, Apacha (my big, furry dog) and I journeyed down Mexico's western coast to meet Bret and Kristin on the outskirts of Palenque in Camino Real. We were eager and excited to be a part of such a wonderful project with two of the kindest people we know. The first day at the playground exceeded our already high expectations; the energy was thrilling! Children, handfuls of them, running and laughing and getting their hands dirty helping the adults shovel, paint and build. It was obvious, immediately, that these kids were already enthralled in the playground. Members of the community chipped in too, happy to be a part of building their childrens' future through play and interaction with others. Everyday, something was completed, and everyday, more color, energy and excitement evolved. 

A beautiful mural was painted by a local artist, using sketches from the kids, and every color imaginable filled its lines, adding more boldness to the already vibrant playsite. In the end, we had to move on for further adventures, but we were amazed and adoring of all the helping hands, the smiling faces, and warmth of the community. We look forward to future endeavors and projects with Rise Now. They are truly building spaces, not only for the children, but also the community as a whole. It is an experience we will always remember. Thank you Bret and Kristin and all members and contributors of Rise Now for helping build community and futures through something we all appreciate: running, climbing, laughing and playing...

A big thank you to our donors, Veredas and the hard-working volunteers, local and international, who contributed to the creativity, skills, and final completion of the playground in Camino Real. Be sure to check out our photo gallery, video and information about future playgrounds below. 

- The Rise Now Team

We are still in need of donations for future playground projects. DONATE  HERE